
Integrated Care
Dr. Janson offers health care that integrates medical care with nutritional therapy, environmental and food allergy treatment, counseling, and lifestyle change. He also recommends safe, innovative medical treatments, such as bioidentical hormones, intravenous vitamins and minerals, and chelation therapy (IVs not available in Florida). Proper medical testing assures the safety and appropriateness of his treatments.

Science and Medicine
People need treatment of their immediate and chronic health problems as well as preventive medicine. Dr. Janson incorporates the latest advances in medicine and nutritional science. Nutrition, stress management and exercise are powerful healing methods.

These basics need to be applied before drugs and surgery to reduce the risks associated with medical treatment. Often, nothing further is necessary. Of course, there is a place for medicines and surgery, and they can be lifesaving. Knowing when not to use them as well as when to use them is a necessary skill for physicians.

Patient Education and Caring
People desire safer treatments, more communication from their doctors, and more participation in their own health care. The word “doctor” comes from a word meaning “teacher.” Educating patients means the doctor becomes an assistant in the healing process. Appointments are scheduled to allow sufficient time for communication between the patient and the doctor. Each new patient is scheduled for up to one hour, and each follow-up one half hour.

Recent scientific evidence strongly supports the vital role of proper nutrition in maintaining good health, treating and preventing disease. While all of us share basic needs, each of us also has unique requirements. Dr. Janson’s individualized programs include gradual dietary changes, selected vitamin and mineral supplements, relaxation techniques, and exercise.

Physical and psychological well being go hand in hand. Chronic stress, emotional turmoil, and personal problems frequently have negative effects on our health. Dr. Janson provides counseling and support to help you cope effectively with daily stress and enhance the quality of your life.

Services Include:

  • Dietary and nutritional recommendations
  • Therapeutic dietary supplements (orthomolecular medicine)
  • Chelation therapy (not in the Florida office)
  • Intravenous vitamin C (not in the Florida office)
  • Natural Hormone replacement for women and men
  • Stress management
  • Personal counseling
  • Exercise recommendations
  • Health education

Dr. Janson’s approach has been effective as primary or supportive treatment for a variety of disorders including:

Elevated cholesterol
Muscle spasms
Heart disease
Candida (yeast)
Weight control
Back pain
Digestive disease

Dr. Janson’s health programs also benefit people who feel good and are free of illness but wish to heighten and improve their performance, stamina and productivity.

Phone and Email Consultations
Health consultations are also available by telephone and online. For information about setting up such a consultation, please send an Email to Contact Dr. Janson.

Dr. Janson’s Background
Michael Janson, MD, FACAM, is one of the best-known holistic physicians in the country and started the first holistic medical practice in New England. He completed his undergraduate degree in biology at the University of Pennsylvania and received his MD from Boston University Medical School in 1970. Dr. Janson completed a four-year residency in pathology at Mount Auburn Hospital. He has had a private practice in nutrition and preventive medicine for twenty-five years. He has a certificate of Advanced Proficiency in Chelation Therapy from the American College for Advancement in Medicine.

Dr. Janson is Past President of both the American College for Advancement in Medicine and the American Preventive Medical Association. He has been published widely in journals and magazines, and has written The Vitamin Revolution in Health Care (Arcadia Press, 1996), Dr. Janson’s New Vitamin Revolution (Penguin-Putnam-Avery, 2000), User’s Guide to Heart-Healthy Supplements (Basic Health Publications, 2004), User’s Guide to Saw Palmetto and Men’s Health (Basic Health Publications, 2002), Chelation Therapy and Your Health (Keats Publishing, 1998), All About Saw Palmetto and the Prostate (Avery Publishing, 1999). He has frequently been on radio and TV, hosted Alive and Well, his own Boston-area radio show, for five years, and he publishes a monthly newsletter—Dr. Michael Janson’s Healthy Living. Dr. Janson has testified twice in the U.S. Senate, spoken at a Congressional luncheon, and was invited to the White House to witness the signing of the Safe Food Act. He is an international speaker and consultant for health businesses.

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From September to June, I see patients in New Smyrna Beach, Florida. Call 386-409-7747, or send an email to [email protected] to make arrangements.

In summer, I have a variable schedule, and I see patients in offices at the Rothfeld Center for Integrative Medicine in Waltham, Massachusetts. For appointments, send an email to [email protected] make arrangements, or call: 386-409-7747.

I primarily do phone consultations, as well as email and instant messaging consults.

Information herein is not medical advice or direction. All material in this newsletter is provided for information only. Its contents should not be used to provide medical advice on individual problems. Consult a health care professional for medical or health advice.